某購物網會用 shipping fee,但在牛津字典可查到 shipment costs。 所以運費來說用 shipping 成 shipment 呢?
首先,先回答是 shipping 還是 shipment,
MacMillian 跟
Collins 字典定義,shipping 亦可指「運送物品所需的費用(尤指船運)」(the cost of carrying goods, especially in a ship),抑或「支付給公司運送貨物的一筆金額」(the amount of money that you pay to a company to transport cargo)
運費應是用 shipping 較正確。
Cambridge Dictionary 定義:
an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service(
Oxford Dictionary 定義:
an amount of money that you pay for professional advice or services(
Merriam-Webster Dictionary 定義:
a fixed charge ; a sum paid or charged for a service(
由此觀之,fee 應是指為取得特定服務或權利(right)應付(pay)的金額,M-W 字典更指出是「固定費用」。
Cambridge Dictionary 定義:
the amount of money needed to buy, do, or make something(
Oxford Dictionary 定義:
the amount of money that you need in order to buy, make or do something(
Merriam-Webster Dictionary 定義:
the amount or equivalent paid or charged for something ; the outlay or expenditure (as of effort or sacrifice) made to achieve an object(
而 cost 則應是指購買、取得或從事某件事,所需要的費用(need),M-W 字典定義則指這筆費用不一定是金錢,也可以是等價物(equivalent)。
At the very top-tier US universities (the majority of which are private non-profits), fees and living costs are likely to add up to around US$60,000 per year, but it’s also possible to study in the US at a much lower outlay.
全美頂尖大學(大多數是私人非營利學校)的學費(fees)與生活費用(costs)可能達到每年 6 萬塊美元左右,但在美國也可能已較少花費讀大學。
因此如果根據 M-W 的定義(fee 是一筆固定費用),會比較好理解問題中究竟是要用「shipping fee」或「shipping costs」。
另外,也可參考 Neo 的「
運費的英文該怎麼講?」或者 VoiceTube 的「
【實用英文】費用百百種!fee, bill, price, charge差在哪?總整理讓你「錢」進好英文!」以及 Ann 的「
[英文易混淆字] rate / price / cost / charge / fee / tuition / fare / toll」這三篇文章,相信會對你很有幫助!
(Courtesy: jie10tw @ Pixabay)