(105 年度公務人員特種考試移民行政人員考試試題)
The so-called "right to be forgotten" is climbing back up the news agenda. It all stems from a landmark decision by the European Court of Justice mandating that European citizens have a right to demand that links to online material about them that are deemed to be misleading or inaccurate should not appear in google search results. The judgement came as a surprise to most people and as a really big shock to Google. However, over the past year, the company has found a way of complying with the judgement—by setting up a process for handling requests for delisting and deleting successful applications from search results in all of its European search engines. Since Google had devised an efficient system for processing requests, it looked as though a pragmatic solution to a thorny problem had evolved.
所謂「被遺忘權」最近正重新成為新聞話題。這一切源自歐洲法院做出的一項具有指標意義的判決,亦即歐洲公民有權要求 Google 搜尋結果中,不應出現容易誤導或不正確的網路內容連結。這項判決對大多數人來說是一個驚喜,對 Google 來說卻是一大打擊。然而,過去一年以來,Google 已經找出遵從此裁判要覺得方法。亦即在歐洲所有的搜尋引擎中建立一個流程,處理搜尋結果中除名與刪除成功應用程式的要求。自從 Google 為處理請求設計了這個有效的系統後,這個燙手山芋的解決方案儼然逐步成型。
(Courtesy: inmediahk @ Flickr)