

英譯中:Cough syrup

(104 年公務人員特種考試關務人員考試試題) A Taiwanese passenger carrying bottles of cough syrup was stopped and fined by a customs officer at the entry point of an American airport. It turned out that the syrup contained opium, which was deemed illegal by the airport customs security agents. The bottles were later confiscated and the passenger was fined US$500. 美國機場入境站的海關人員,攔停了一名攜有瓶裝糖漿的臺灣旅客。糖漿中含有美國機場海關安全人員認為違法的鴉片成分,隨後被收歸國有。該名旅客則被處以美金 500 元罰金。 (Courtesy: Pxhere)

英譯中:America's labour shortage

(中央警察大學 107 學年度碩士班入學考試試題)

President Trump makes no secret of his distaste for immigrants, nor of his support for measures to slash both legal and illegal immigration. Even as his crusade to close borders intensifies, however, American employers in an array of industries — manufacturing, agriculture, trucking, home building, energy, food service, retail and others — are warning that a long-brewing labour shortage is reaching crisis proportions. The causes of America’s worker shortfall include an aging population and a birthrate that recently hit a historic low. With the jobless rate bumping along at just above 4 percent, companies desperate to fill orders and meet demand are pumping up their recruiting budgets and in some cases turning to ex-convicts to fill jobs. If the employee deficit seems bad now, signs indicate it will get worse — even as Mr. Trump orders stepped-up deportation efforts and pushes legislation to slash annual legal immigration, currently about 1 million, by half.


(Coutesy: malias / Flickr)

